Software for your personal needs, Software tools and utilities

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software for your personal needs.

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General classification of software for your personal computer:

office productivity software, security software, creativity software, medical and health management applications, investment and financial management software, graphic tools, different calculator applications, personal accounting software, desktop publishing, web page editing software, backup software, e-mail and calendar software.

Below are just some personal notes on the topic: software for your personal needs. Information is not complete, verified and systematised. Some references will be provided in future.

How can you choose the best new freeware?
When looking for a tool, get as much advice as you can:
  1. Define requirements for software you need.
  2. Search for free and open GNU software for Windows or Linux.
  3. Deal only with reputable resources like and
  4. Check user rating and forums, read appropriate newsgroups and read some reviews before downloading.
  5. Evaluate software capabilities and system requirements before downloading.
  6. Download software and run antivirus.
  7. Create a restore point on Windows (Go to Start – Programs – Accessories – System Tools – System Restore) before installation.
  8. Read license agreement (some applications have only one month free use).
  9. It can be useful to visit developer's site (Go to tools vendors' site) if you plan to use this software for the long period of time.

How can you choose software for your personal computer?

First of all you need to define the areas of your business that you would like enhance by using new software or software utility. You can create questionnaire and give it to different people who is involved in different aspects of your personal business. The main possible areas of using software can be defined as: productivity software, security software, creativity software, etc. Some software can be used for different types of improvement. In the same time you need to define environment: what operation systems, databases, types of browsers will be involved. Now you can start preliminary software / tools evaluation. Try to Google your requirements and do not forget to evaluate tools from the list below.

  • For Medical software Medical software
  • For Investment software Investment software
  • For Tax software Tax software
  • Tools for software testing Software Testing resources
    Other useful software applications:
  • Screenshot program (ability to capture, save, edit and comment)
    Screen capture PrintScreen for Windows freeware version
  • Recovery software:
    Pandora Recovery from help to recover files deleted long ago.
    For recovering images see MjM Free Photo Recovery Software for Windows
  • Complete delete.
    Eraser is an advanced security tool for Windows which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Eraser is Free software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License.

    Some useful tips and options for future consideration:
  • Use software tools to make your live easier but don't become slaves to them
  • Do not afraid of taking the time to learn new software
  • When you come across a valuable new software always add it to your toolbox.

    And the last two cents:
    Questions you should always ask yourself about software you are using:
  • Are you getting the most from every application?
  • Are these the best software you could be using?
  • How do you know that a software application is worth its cost?
    On this site you can find information about software testing and  automated software testing 
    tools, recommendations for software testing training course, list of books about softwaretesting with
     recommendations and books suggested for softwaretesting certification, online software testing quiz,
     interviewquestions for software testers, software testing dictionary,samples of software testing 
    documentation including test casetemplate, jokes about software testing and testers, software 
    testing techniques and more ...

    [DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that downloading and installing this software is at your own RISK. We are not responsible for any damage or viruses you might get from using this software.]

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