Below are just some personal notes on the topic: Software Testing Tools. Information is not complete, verified and systematised. Some references will be provided in future.
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
Abraham Maslow
Fine-grained software Inspection tool/ codesurfer The fine-grained software review tool is designed for "exposing the results of sophisticated whole-program static analysis” (Anderson, Reps, & Teitelbaum, 2003) to the software review. This is also known as CodeSurfer. The idea was originally developed from the “dependence graphs" which applications activities include parallelization (Burke & Cytron, 1986), optimization (Ferrante, Ottenstein, & Warren, 1987), program testing (Bates & Horwitz, 1993), and software assurance (Horwitz & Reps, 1992). A description of how this tool work is summarized in the following section.
CASE/AMD Tools: Software tools (Computer Aided Software Engineering), also named AMD tools (Analysis Modeling and Design), to assist entire System Life Cycle (SLC), including analysis phase, design phase, testing phase, and even maintenance phase. CASE/AMD tools support the functional analysis phase using visual modeling notations, which can automatically convert into code.
First of all you need to define the areas of your system that you would like to create test automation. You can create questionnaire and give it to different people who is involved in different aspects of development and testing. The possible areas of automation can be defined as: automation of data creations for testing, regression testing automation, load and stress testing automation, automation of multithread testing, back end testing, GUI testing, link testing, security testing, etc. Some tools can be used for different types of automation. In the same time you need to define testing environment: what operation systems, databases, types of browsers will be involved it testing and what programming languages are used in development ( you may be will have to ask developers to help developing automation scripts for testing) or knowledge of what programming languages you have in your testing team. Now you can start preliminary tools evaluation. Try to Google your requirements and do not forget to evaluate tools from the list below.
Selenium ( Selenium is one of the best tools to evaluate. Excellent for web application testing because of its ability to cover many types of browsers/platform. Also, instead of developing your automation scripts in vendor specific language, you can use language of your choice like Ruby, Perl, Java and so on. Because this is a free, open source tool there is no official support. You can use mailing list, forums, etc.
Variety of free and open source web security testing Cain and Abel Tor ( Paros proxy (assessing web application vulnerability) Spybot Wireless security Network Stumbler (free) ( KNSGEM (free) Kismet BackTrack Soft AP WEP Cracking Tools Airodump-ng (used to capture the traffic) Airreplay-ng (used to lunch packet replay and injection attacks) Aircrack-ng (used to crack the WEP key) Visit site www.
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