Software testing tools

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Software testing tools evaluation.

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    How to evaluate and select software testing tool what meets your expectation and will not create any unexpected problems in future.

    Below are just some personal notes on the topic: Software Testing Tools evaluation. Information is not complete, verified and systematised. Some references will be provided in future.

    Below are listed the most common types of criteria for software testing tools evaluation.
    Select the most appropriate to your objectives. If you are looking for a bug tracking system read "Bug Tracking System - Project Overview" on this website.
    A quick learning curve
    Access to the source code
    Allows for test case development
    Allows you to start and  stop any time.
    Allows you to write your test cases using high-level languages
    Build in bug report systems
    Capture test case results
    Cross-browser Playback
    Cross-platform support
    Cost if not open-source (Price)
    Custom Objects recognition
    Define execution time at a future time
    Debugging Support
    Documentation (availability, amount, etc.)
    E-mail (Allows you to send e-mail messages )
    GUI Object Recognition
    Generate useful metrics and statistic
    Have a capability for monitoring execution cases and test data.
    Internationalization Support
    Launch applications or processes in parallel or in series.(Launching processes on multiple machines)
    Multiple Test Suite Execution
    Multiple platform support
    Multiple process management
    No external dependencies
    Platform Support
    Provide a way to manage test cases for execution.
    Programming language (Support high-level languages)
    Recording Browser Objects (IE, Firefox)
    Recording Java Objects
    Recovery System
    Scripting Language
    Support (forums, mailing lists, etc.)
    Support of distributed environment
    Support multiple platforms and OSs.
    Technical Support
    Test case Management
    Test manager feature
    Test results reporting functions
    Test scripts management
    Web-based interface
    Supporting Java
    Visual Test case Recording
    Common IDE integration

    What types of tools can be used for automation of software testing.

    First of all you need to define the areas of your system that you would like to create test automation. You can create questionnaire and give it to different people who is involved in different aspects of development and testing. The possible areas of automation can be defined as: automation of data creations for testing, regression testing automation, load and stress testing automation, automation of multithread testing, back end testing, GUI testing, link testing, security testing, etc. Some tools can be used for different types of automation. In the same time you need to define testing environment: what operation systems, databases, types of browsers will be involved it testing and what programming languages are used in development ( you may be will have to ask developers to help developing automation scripts for testing) or knowledge of what programming languages you have in your testing team. Now you can start preliminary tools evaluation. Try to Google your requirements and do not forget to evaluate tools from testing tools page on this site.

    Guidance for creating text in a template.



    Weight Factor

    Tool 1

    Tool 2

    Criteria 1

    Weight Factor1


    Score x Weight


    Score x Weight

    Criteria 2

    Weight Factor1


    Score x Weight


    Score x Weight
    Find software tools Freeware Reviews   
    On this site you can find information about software testing
    and  automated software testing tools, recommendations for
    software testing training course, list of books about software
    testing with recommendations and books suggested for software
    testing certification, online software testing quiz, interview
    questions for software testers, software testing dictionary,
    samples of software testing documentation including test case
    template, jokes about software testing and testers, software 
    testing techniques and more ...

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