Testing Coverage from the book "Introduction To Software Testing" by Paul Ammann and Jeff Offutt., 2008 Criterion Name Acronym Page Defined Chapter 2 Node Coverage NC 33 Edge Coverage EC 34 Edge-Pair Coverage EPC 35 Prime Path Coverage PPC 35 Simple Round Trip Coverage SRTC 36 Complete Round Trip Coverage CRTC 36 Complete Path Coverage CPC 36 Specified Path Coverage SPC 36 All-Defs Coverage ADC 48 All-Uses Coverage AUC 48 All-du-Paths Coverage ADUPC 48 Chapter 3 Predicate Coverage PC 106 Clause Coverage CC 106 Combinatorial Coverage CoC 107 General Active Clause Coverage GACC 109 Correlated Active Clause Coverage CACC 109 Restricted Active Clause Coverage RACC 110 General Inactive Clause Coverage GICC 112 Restricted Inactive Clause Coverage RICC 112 Implicant Coverage IC 139 Unique True Point Coverage UTPC 140 Corresponding Unique True Points CUTPNFP 142 Near False Point Coverage Chapter 4 All Combinations Coverage ACoC 160 Each Choice Coverage ECC 160 Pair-Wise Coverage PWC 161 T-wise Coverage TWC 161 Base Choice Coverage BCC 162 Multiple Base Choice Coverage MBCC 162 Chapter 5 Terminal Symbol Coverage TSC 172 Production Coverage PDC 172 Derivation Coverage DC 172 Mutation Coverage MC 175 Mutation Operator Coverage MOC 175 Mutation Production Coverage MPC 175 Strong Mutation Coverage SMC 178 Weak Mutation Coverage WMC 179
Statement coverage. A metric used to calculate the number of executed statements in the code.
LCSAJ coverage A metric used to calculate the number of executable LCSAJs.
On this page I put some Types Of Software Testing Coverage for QA and testers. The Types Of Software Testing Coverage found above are not listed in any order of complexity.